Velocity Accelerator kicked off its second year at Innovation Depot earlier this month with a new batch of teams from across the country coming to the Magic City to kickstart their businesses, Bham Now reports.

More than 100 applicants sought entry to the program. Ultimately, seven teams were selected: Wyndy, Axle Advertisements. Smart Alto, MixTroz, Dirtbook SimpleShowing and Anchorspace.

Hailing from Birmingham, San Jose, Atlanta and Nashville, the teams will spend 13 weeks working with a Managing Entrepreneur-in-Residence, investors and mentors to scale their businesses. Innovation Depot provides each team with $50,000 and after Demo Day, the chance for continued funds to keep their businesses in Birmingham.

The teams will give their final pitches on April 23 at Demo Day at Iron City.

Read more at Bham Now.

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