To conclude the inaugural Bronze Valley conference, Quentin Riggins, senior vice president of Alabama Power, charged attendees with an encouraging Call to Action.

“I see Bronze Valley as a creation of opportunity regardless of age, color, gender. I was moved by this conversation when you look at the potential of this home state. When I listened to the conversation about presentation and being truthful, I was moved by it because it is true,” said Riggins. “The words that you heard today, they may not have been exactly what you wanted to hear but they are truthful.”

Riggins moved on to identifying next steps.

“Our job is to remove the stereotype. Number one is granting access; number two is investing in people,” Riggins added.

He concluded with an encouragement to move beyond complacency.

“At Alabama Power, we are challenged to not be complacent. Bronze Valley is a vision to create an opportunity for people here, in this area and I hope that you will join us in that effort. It is going to take all of us working together; there will be adversity. But if you heard the stories today, our job here is to provide an opportunity. I hope you will join us and tell your story. And allow us to help your business grow, help Birmingham grow and help our region grow,” concluded Riggins.

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