April Benetollo

Chief Executive Officer, Momentum

Benetollo is CEO of Momentum, a program for developing leadership capabilities in executive and early-career women. Prior to joining Momentum in 2017, Benetollo was senior vice president of marketing at Birmingham-based Daxko, a market leader in software for the health and wellness industry. An original member of the company's leadership team, her 16-year tenure at Daxko included positions in general management, marketing, sales, product strategy, human resources and career development.

Benetollo is a frequent public speaker on leadership development, employee engagement, healthy teams, inclusive culture and emotional intelligence. She is a prior graduate of the Momentum program and was a founding board member of TechAlabama. Currently, she also serves on the Marketing and Sales Advisory Board for the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Collat School of Business.

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